
Ghost Hunters: Stage Fright

Ghost Hunters (2011)

Thriller, Fantashkencë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 19 - Stage Fright


The Rapids Theater in Niagra Falls, NY was built in 1921, but the suicide of an actress years ago has placed a paranormal shadow over the building.

Claims include apparitions crossing the stage, a woman's voice and female whistling and high heels clicking. Doors also tend to open and close on their own, including a fire door in the front tunnels, a type of basement. In the Orchestra Pit, people see legs walking around in the auditorium when there is no one there.


Ghost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost HuntersGhost Hunters


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