It is April 1917 and, with most of the men away at the front, Carson is finding it tough maintaining standards in the house. Robert's new valet Henry Lang has just returned from the war, but O'Brien is the only one to notice that he is not well. The suicide of a young officer prompts Isobel to suggest that they convert Downton into a convalescent hospital. Also, Mary hears that Matthew is returning.


Downton AbbeyDownton AbbeyDownton AbbeyDownton AbbeyDownton AbbeyDownton AbbeyDownton AbbeyFoto: RTL / © 2019 Focus Features LLC and Perfect Universe Investment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2019 Focus Features LLC and Perfect Universe Investment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2019 Focus Features LLC and Perfect Universe Investment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2019 Focus Features LLC and Perfect Universe Investment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2019 Focus Features LLC and Perfect Universe Investment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2019 Focus Features LLC and Perfect Universe Investment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2019 Focus Features LLC and Perfect Universe Investment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Downton Abbey


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