Enjoying food and friends with a glass of wine is one of life’s great pleasures. Doctors say that consuming a small amount every day is good for your health. Environmental activists and organic wine producers caution that conventional wine is filled with harmful pesticides and that the fertilisers, fungicides and other chemicals used to produce it are disastrous for the environment. Aspiring chefs and restaurateurs Marida Mohammed (MasterChef) and her twin sister, Narida, get advice from celebrity chef and sommelier Vikram Vij, about how to select and appreciate wine and why they shouldn’t worry too much about purported health threats. Marida and Narida then
tour Niagara vineyards and compare super-­‐organic, biodynamic wine with its conventional counterpart. Ann Sperling of Southbrook Vineyards combines cosmic forces with organic farming to produce wine she calls the purest expression of the grape that is good for the people who drink it and the planet as a whole. French winemaker JL Groux of Stratus Vineyards and George Soleas, the Vice President of the LCBO argue that conventional wine is delicious and safe for both you and the environment. Which one will the sisters choose?


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