
I tako to...: 111 (Jamie's POV)

As if (2001)

Dramë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Argjentinë

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EPISODI: 11 - 111 (Jamie's POV)


Six London school kids are best friends. Gorgeous Alex is academically gifted, comes from a good home, has the fine taste of a classy gay boy and proves able to date good catches, including a cop who could have been the love of his life if he hadn't lied about being a minor. Jamie Collier is the clown of the pack, a hopeless optimist, bragger and unreliable, but he means well and tries hard to please. Robert 'Rob' Conway is the most serious one, coming from a broken home with an abusive father, and has to work as a waiter in the gang's favorite pub. Finally there are three neurotic girls they hang out with: pushy Nicki Sutton, hippie rebel Suzanne 'Sooz' Lee and spoiled colored Sasha Williams, as well as a long list of boy- and girlfriends who come and go, although some have definite long-term potential, such as Alex's gay cop friend Dan Parker who sadly can't risk being find out legally 'raping' a willing minor.


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