Goosebumps: Chillogy (3): Escape From Karlsville

Goosebumps (1998)

Regjia: William Fruet

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EPISODI: 21 - Chillogy (3): Escape From Karlsville


After Matthew narrowly escaped from Karlsville, Todd walked to Matthew's room, obsessed with winning some kind of contest. With him, he carried an envelope that said he was the grand prize winner. And that he should come to Karlsville to claim his prize. So, while wondering what Karlsville was, Todd was accidently sucked into the town himself, and the population sign went from ""100"" to ""101"". Todd was greeted by Karl, and the town. They celebrated, and Matthew and Jessica came into the town themselves. While they were looking for Todd, Todd himself was brought to claim his prize. However, Todd's prize is pretty scary. Scary enough to make him a citizen of Karlsville. Permanantly...


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