EPISODI: 18 - No Escape


It's Declan and Hartley's anniversary. To surprise Hartley, Declan arranges an escape room event, but when the family arrives, they begin to worry things aren't what they seem. / When the family gets shocking news, they embrace their villain side and go to Centropolis on a mission. Colby must get out of a sticky situation, and Hartley tries her best to help.


The Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley ViewThe Villains of Valley View


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