

Gangster (2006)

Regjia: Anurag Basu

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Vlerësimi: 7.1/10


Daya Shankar lived with his family in Kashmir, then relocated to Bombay where he took to crime as a career. One day while on the run from the police, he holes up in a small room with young bar dancer Simran. She shields him from the police, and he falls in love. He learns which bar she dances in and comes to watch her. He comes to her rescue when she's being molested, then asks her to move in with him. For some time they live in bliss, then suddenly they're on the run. Then Daya decides it's time to settle down and they adopt a son, Bittu, make different passports and decide to relocate to Dubai, but it doesn't happen; Bittu gets killed and heartbroken Simran and Daya are forced to live apart when Simran moves to Seoul, Korea. There she meets Akash; they fall in love and she gets pregnant. Then Daya re-enters her life, disrupting it completely, beating Akash to a pulp. Will Simran decide to stay with Akash, marry him, and have their baby, or continue to endure life on the run with Daya, who is not only on the run from the police, but also from the underworld don, Khan. What the three don't know is that one will be betrayed so shockingly that none of them might be able to survive it.


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