
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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Tannu informs Alia that Abhi has refused to get Pragya s signatures on the documents as he has not yet got her to fall in love with him. Alia, initially begins to worry if Pragya has seen the documents but relaxes when she realizes that Pragya has not seen the documents. Meanwhile, Pragya informs Dadi and Bulbul about Abhi's regular flirting and also informs them that she is aware about Abhi only pretending to love her. Dadi asks Pragya to call her the next time he does so and promises to teach him a lesson. Later, Tannu and Nikhil meet at a cafe but they are in for a shock when Bulbul and Purab notice them together. Will Tannu and Nikhil's truth be out now? Keep watching 'Kumkum Bhagya' to know more.


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