
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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Pragya gets a contract for Abhi to do a Ganpati Sthapana. Abhi first refuses to do it but Pragya forces him do it as he cannot deny her for she owns Brand Abhi. In the event Pragya gets to know that someone is planning to rob the donation money and she gets into the bottom and realizes that the planning of the robbers is to take away the sponsored truck, containing the money, from bottom of the venue she has no one for help so she decides to go and check herself. Abhi comes to know about the plan of robbery and realizes that Pragya is in major trouble now. And then event ends with Abhi forced under some circumstance to go and save Pragya and ends up saving Pragya. they come back right in time as Jeetu Ji is arriving for the Maha Ganpati Aarti and Ganpati Ji ki Maha Aarti happens amidst fanfare and celebration.


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