Aziz is the sole manager of the holding that was founded by his father and his mother. From the moment he fell in love with Feride, he began to question himself and his life. But there is a lot to be give up for someone in the position of Aziz. Feride; She lives a quiet life with her father, stepmother and siblings. She runs the tailor shop she opened with Faik Süheyla but cannot keep up with the inexhaustible demands of Hasibe and the costs of the children. Feride starts working at a boutique to help her father. Thus, the father and daughter are trying to support the house. Feride witnesses a murder committed by Aziz one night. She is determined to complain to the police. However, Feride learns that her brother Firat was also involved. Aziz is strong enough to crush this girl as a beetle. But Feride doesn't know what to do. In this mixed process, Aziz will fall in love with Feride; Although Feride is attracted to Aziz, her pride will prevent him from approaching Aziz. After accepting...




Ska rishikime
  • Station 19 (2018)

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  • In all Friendliness (1998)

    This show is focused on a fictional clinic in Leipzig called 'Sachsenklinik' as well as its staff and patients.
  • Anatomia e Greit (2005)

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  • Dream Hotel (2004)

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