
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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Purab arrives at Abhi s home and finds everybody talking about his wedding. Soon, Alia encounters Purab and Bulbul, and questions Purab as to why he did not inform her about his wedding date. Purab tells Alia that even he did not know about this until he arrived here. Alia gets shocked and furious. She raises her voice but calms down when she realizes that there are people around her. What more shocks would Alia receive ahead? Keep watching to find out.Kumkum Bhagya is the story of a Punjabi matriarch Sarla Arora who runs a marriage hall and lives with the hope of seeing her two daughters Pragya and Bulbul who're poles apart, happily married some day! Known for making shows that are women-centric, the pivotal characters of this new show are a bunch of strong, feisty women, living together in an all-female, matriarchal family.


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