
34-year-old Swantje has every reason to be self-confident: without her, nothing works on her father Hauke's tranquil airport in Büsum. Swantje repairs the aging machines and organizes the mail and passenger operations. Since a traumatic crash landing with her beloved Cessna, the passionate pilot no longer dares just to fly herself. This is an existential problem for flight operations, because her 57-year-old father should give up flying because of his cataract. As long as no replacement has been found, he climbs into the cockpit. It seems like a godsend when Hauke's "lost" son Sönke suddenly floats in with his sleek plane named "Suse". He would even be willing to give up his pilot life in distant Siberia with his own airline for the benefit of the family. But Sönke is not selfless. Swantje finds out that her brother is in financial difficulties. It is all the more painful for her that this unreliable adventurer should get everything for which she has toiled for years. Sönke would even pledge the airfield so as not to lose his beloved "Suse". However, Swantje remains Swantje and does not give up without a fight.

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