
Italy Unpacked: To the Centre of the Earth

Italy Unpacked (2013)

Режисер: Patrick Dickinson

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сезона: 3

епизода: 2 - To the Centre of the Earth


The second leg of Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli's journey up the east coast takes them to the heart of Italy and the regions of Le Marche and Umbria. In the city of Urbino they visit the former palace of Federico da Montefeltro, a 15th-century scholar and commander of a private army who was one of the driving forces of the Italian Renaissance. In the Apennine Mountains, they explore the Grotte di Frassasone, one of the largest underground caves in the world, before heading to the Norcia Valley, where people have made delicious pork sausages and salamis for centuries.


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