
Sablasne pustolovine Bilija i Mandi: King Tooten Pooten

Grim & Evil (2006)

Режисер: Michel Lyman

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сезона: 7

епизода: 4 - King Tooten Pooten


When Billy, Mandy and Grim attend an Ancient Egypt exhibit at the museum, they meet with Irwin who explains that, as his mother is a mummy, they are visiting Irwin's grandfather, the great Pharaoh King Popen Locken. Later that night, Irwin's grandfather visits Irwin in his room and offers him the Pharaoh's crown and the possibility of building his own pyramid to attract women; Irwin accepts, calling himself King Tooten Pooten, and soon they turn the citizens into slaves to build the pyramid. Against his mother's wishes, Irwin decides to finish the pyramid; however, there is something he did not anticipate, as he, the Pharaoh, needs to remain entombed inside it.


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