
Sablasne pustolovine Bilija i Mandi: Wild Parts

Grim & Evil (2005)

Режисер: Shaun Cashman

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 4

епизода: 8 - Wild Parts


One night a strange odor travels through the city, prompting the noses of all the people, including Billy's, to follow it. The next night, Mandy, who is noseless, and Grim decide to wait outside Billy's house for the event to repeat. When the odor reappears, the nose parade leads them to the shopping mall, where they meet a "Nasalmancer", a nose wizard who is trying to take over other people's noses since he lost his own. Billy recovers his nose, but slices it in two, and gives one half to the Nasalmancer.


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