Without A Compass: Tilos - Halki

Choris pyxida (2021)

Документарец | Грција
Режисер: Hector Schimatariotis

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сезона: 1

епизода: 10 - Tilos - Halki


Welcome to Tilos and Halki! Tilos, this small island of the Dodecanese with its wild natural beauty is an idyllic paradise. It is an alternative destination, ideal for a peaceful holiday. Nineteen beaches, twelve mountains with abundant natural springs, seven medieval castles, a Byzantine monastery, two hundred churches, a cave with many excavations, a village described as a cultural monument, over a hundred species of birds, hundreds of wild flora species and about 400 residents are to be found here. Also... an elephant! Yes, thats right! Giannis and Aris swim in the beautiful clear waters of the island, meet some of its 400 residents, walk around the big village, visit the museum and learn about the elephant, then visit the small village and tell its story. Then, they set sail for Halki! The beautiful island of Halki with its colourful houses is located just a few miles from Tilos. Another spot of beauty in the Aegean! In Halki, they enjoy their walk on foot since cars are not necessary, they go boating and they visit fantastic caves. They feed the fish at the sea bream farm, visit the Monastery of St. John of Alargas, see what the cells look like and talk to Giannis, who lives in the monastery all year long. They prepare and taste traditional spaghetti and finally, they visit the castle, for a fantastic sunset! Halki calms and soothes the senses. You do not need a compass, simply follow your heart!


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