Kod Lioko: A Great Day

Code Lyoko (2005)

Режисер: Thomas Romain, Tania Palumbo

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сезона: 2

епизода: 4 - A Great Day


After taking another trip to The Carthage Region and returning to the school, Aelita talks to Jeremie about not being human, unaware that Sissi is recording their conversation. On top of that, the data they had retrieved from the Carthage Region takes over the supercomputer and starts running return trips over and over. Jeremie discovers that returning to the past makes X.A.N.A. much stronger and more powerful. During the third return trip, Xana possesses Sissi with his newly strengthened and increased abilities and powers and goes after Ulrich. Not only does the group have to deal with Sissi, but they also have to stop the return trips from continuing.


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