Број на епизоди: 5


When we last visited the Roloffs on their farm in Oregon, Matt and Amy announced their separation, leaving their kids—twins Jeremy and Zach, daughter Molly, and youngest son Jacob, wondering what was next for the family. The new season follows as everyone learns to adapt to these new dynamics and move forward with each of their lives. Despite the marital struggles of his parents, the premiere episode features Jeremy planning his proposal to his long-time girlfriend Audrey—kicking off a season-long celebration as they prepare to get married. Amy fires up her passion for cooking with a pop-up restaurant, while Matt's imagination is sparked when Jeremy announces that he'd like to get married at home. But, in each of their own ways, Matt and Amy work to maintain a positive connection, sharing time together and planning a family getaway to have all of the Roloffs reconnect in the face of so many changes.

  • епизода 1.
    The Proposal
  • епизода 2.
    The Family That Plays Together, Stays Together
  • епизода 3.
    Don't Rain on Our Parade
  • епизода 4.
    Another Roloff Pops the Question
  • епизода 5.
    A Roloff Gets Married!
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