
May 1931. A mission headed by explorer Marcel Griaule begins an epic journey across Africa. The scientists collect 3,600 objects for the collections at the Trocadéro Ethnography Museum, quickly renamed the Museum of Mankind. The adventure inspires the author Michel Leiris to write "L'Afrique Fantôme", the story of his disillusionment.

Глас: Damien Bonnard
Продуцент: Céline Loiseau, Delphine Morel
времетраење: 58 мин


Dakar-Djibouti 1931, le butin du musée de l'HommeDakar-Djibouti 1931, le butin du musée de l'HommeDakar-Djibouti 1931, le butin du musée de l'HommeDakar-Djibouti 1931, le butin du musée de l'Homme


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