
Joe Lycett: I'm About to Lose Control And I Think Joe Lycett, Live

Joe Lycett: I'm About to Lose Control And I Think Joe Lycett, Live (2018)

Комедија | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Brian Klein

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.7/10


Joe Lycett's brand new stand up show I'm About to Lose Control and I Think Joe Lycett, Live is ready for you to enjoy. Join Joe as he shares jokes, paintings and some of the pathetic trolling he's been up to recently, such as breaking into banks, selling art for 12.5 million quid and taking on gold medal winning olympians. Recorded at a sold out event in the Apollo, Hammersmith, London. You've probably seen Joe absolutely smashing it on 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, QI, Taskmaster, Roast Battle and the Royal Variety Performance. This is his second live stand up special. You will totally love it babe!!!

Продуцент: Robert Callow, Hannah Chambers
времетраење: 74 мин


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