Shikuesit mund të udhëtojnë në skajet e largëta të planetit dhe të zbulojnë sekretet e disa vendeve të paprekura të Tokës, të gjitha të lulëzuara me biodiversitet të pasur.

Ishte në kanal:

EXP Natyra  BBC Earth  SLO1  ARTE DE  HTV1  

  • Jade Fever (2015)

    Jade City is a remote highway stop in northern British Columbia with a community of 35 run by Claudia Bunce and her husband Robin. They mine a huge jade claim and...
  • Sehirden Uzakta (2020)

    Settling down outside of the city seems more appealing every day but how will it work in reality? Kivanc Kasabali, who wants to turn the idea of moving into a...
  • The Proof is Out There (2021)

    The Proof is Out There investigates the world's most mysterious videos, photos, and audio recordings, and uses the best technology and experts to render a...
  • People and Power (2007)

    Al Jazeera's weekly investigative documentary program that looks at the use and abuse of power.

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