

Bhageeratha (2005)

Dramë, Aksion | Indi
Regjia: Rasool Ellore

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Krishna Lanka is an island in Godavari districts. The only way of commuting to that island is by boats. Lots of people die due to bad whether conditions while they travel. Krishna Lanka's President Bullebbai wants to have a bridge to that island which costs several crores. He asks his IAS friend Venkata Ratnam to make his dream come true. Even 20 years after Venkata Ratnam leaving the village, there is no news about the bridge. Bullebbai sends his son Chandu to Hyderabad to meet Venkata Ratnam and know the progress. After coming to Hyderabad, Chandu realizes that Venkata Ratnam is very money-minded and is least bothered about bridge. The rest of the story is all about how Chandu makes Venkata Ratnam get the bridge approved by the government.


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