
Cannon for Cordoba

Cannon for Cordoba (1970)

Aksion, Romancë, Western | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Paul Wendkos
Pink Western | Nesër | 23:00

Vlerësimi: 5.7/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 6/10
(3 Voto)


In 1916, a Mexican rebel named Cordoba steals six cannons from the forces of General Pershing who's been sent to bring order to the Texas-Mexico border. Pershing assigns a soldier named Rod Douglas to retrieve the cannons. Douglas recruits a trio of misfits and they, along with a Mexican officer and an enigmatic woman, travel 200 miles south to Cordoba's mountain fortress. Explosions and gun battles soon erupt.


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