Lenny Lühr finally returns to the fishery port town Dithmarsch he had left 10 years before to try his luck as a barber in Hamburg without keeping in touch, which Uncle Addi Bäsecke refuses to forgive. Lenny stays in his old room with his father Knud, a nearly penniless, shameless opportunist who supplements meager crab harvest as illegal bookie and with scams. Knud's only serious priority is leading the local pub-based shanty-choir, which he hopes to get the centennial honorary title, but the official observer is unimpressed, so he calls Addi's bluff to leave if a female is allowed, notably Knud's lover, publican Nadja Evers. Suddenly cute but gloomy Lenny, who found some consolation in his popularity with the town rare eligible single foxes, expects to recuperate and sell his collector's-item banjo only to find his father sold it for a pittance, admits being in an even deeper financial mess, and Knud tries to fix things.


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