Karen makes a serious decision: to help her beloved husband Georg, she decides to drown herself. Her death brings a million to her highly indebted husband. What selfless Karen has no idea: Georg has long speculated on the money from life insurance and has hired contract killer Bruno to reach the million. But at the last second, Karen is out of courage. The prosthesis maker decides against her suicide. When Georg and the police stand in front of their house with their farewell letter in hand, she doesn't dare go back. She hastily escapes and falls into the hands of the killer Bruno. Surprisingly, however, this seems to protect them. The two flee and go undetected. Now the fight for life insurance is on, because Georg's creditors are sitting on the back of his neck. But without a body, no money. When Karen, who was believed dead, suddenly appears in her home, where Georg is already having fun with his new girlfriend Mona, she has to experience painfully that Georg is playing the wrong game. Now she is looking for revenge and hopes for Bruno's help.


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