
Old Mother Snow

Dame Saisons (2021)

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Gros Pouce (Big Thumb) and Petit Doigt (Little Finger) live alone with their mother above a village, at the edge of the forest. Big Thumb, in her teenage phase, is grumpy, unhelpful and mean-spirited: she shows no willingness to participate in the tasks that are asked of her, unlike her little sister Little Finger who carries them out with generosity. One day, going down to the bottom of an old well where she dropped her bonnet, the little girl discovers the wonderful world of Lady Seasons, the one who makes snow fall by shaking her quilt! But the old lady at first sight of a witch is above all there to help the two girls grow up, revealing them to themselves through a dreamlike journey. A meeting that makes them realize that to receive positive things, you also have to give them. The more benevolent we are, the more generous the world is with us!


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