
Joseph and Maria

Yosif i Mariya (1995)

Dramë | Bullgari
Regjia: Milen Nikolov

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Vlerësimi: 6.2/10


Engineer Joseph and his wife Maria were married for 7 years, but they had no children. They convince them to try the " IVF " method, but Joseph cannot accept a random person to be the father of his child, and after much hesitation, he decides that the donor will become his brother. His wife doesn't know who the donor is. They had a son named Lubcho. The boy grows up with care and love, but often gets sick. Maria leaves her job and goes with Lyubcho to live in the village, so that the child can swear. One day, a six-year-old boy doesn't come home. He was found passed out by the river. It turns out that a high level of radiation is registered in this area. In the child's pocket, they find a metal plate-part of the fallen remains of a space satellite.


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