EPISODI: 6 - Frankly My Deer...


A Boer goat gets tangled up in a wire fence causing a life-threatening leg injury, while a Weimaraner finds herself between a sock and a hard place. But not all injuries are self-inflicted? an unlucky buck meets the business end of a dart and a mite party is raging in a giant rabbit's ears.


Dr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i Pabesueshëm


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