
Beverly Hills 90210: Cupid's Arrow

Beverly Hills, 90210 (1998)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Kevin Inch

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Vlerësimi: 6.6/10


EPISODI: 20 - Cupid's Arrow


Kelly agrees to Jeff's Valentine's Day plans for a romantic dinner and night together. Meanwhile, Steve badgers Brandon into going on another blind double date. But Brandon gets hung up on the phone leaving all kinds of messages on Kelly's answering machine, while Steve is stuck trying to entertain his and Brandon's date at the Peach Pit, as well as another girl. The arrival of Noah's snobbish, older half-brother, Josh, brings big trouble between both of them over their different viewpoints. Things take an unexpected turn when Josh spikes Valerie's drink with a "date rape" drug so he can seduce her. But it goes wrong for Josh when Noah inadvertently takes advantage of Valerie who wakes up the next morning thinking Noah slipped her the roofie. Also, David and Donna feel guilty about spending innocent time together to celebrate his record deal, which takes a turn when they get into a minor car accident where Donna slightly injures her back.


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