
Irish Crime: Zerrissene Seelen

Der Irland-Krimi (2024)

Krim, Dramë, Mister, Thriller | Gjermani


EPISODI: 2 - Zerrissene Seelen


For years, Cathrin worked as a criminal psychologist, often on cases together with her police-officer husband Liam. But one day 10 years ago, Liam just vanished from the face of the earth. It took all of Cathrin's strength and the support of her son Paul to get back on her feet after her emotional collapse and fall into alcoholism. Working private practice ever since, she is thrown back into her old life when Liam's remains are found in a mass grave of dead children as a wide-ranging conspiracy is uncovered. Also, some of her clients seem to be connected to current criminal cases and Cathrin is increasingly drawn back into assisting the Galway police, and they welcome her back warmly. But when old agonies resurface, Cathrin is determined to uncover the truth.


Irish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish CrimeIrish Crime


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