Vlerësimi: 4.4/10
  • Iffet (2011)

    The young and beautiful Iffet lives with her father and younger sister in one of the older and more modest neighborhoods of Istanbul. She is deeply in love with...
  • Thika e dashurise (2006)

    Two families separated by deep hatred. A feud that rose a century ago. A vendetta that has lasted a century. Now, an unlawful daughter born twenty years ago from...
  • Brusko (2013)

    Achilleas and Melina, both celebrating their bachelor parties, fall in love at first sight. They spend a night together in Athens and then go back to their normal...
  • Molla e ndaluar (2018)

    Three things in life can not be hidden "love, smoke and lack of money". The social society and the events behind the business world are told.

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