• Premtimi (2019)

    Reyhan was born in the countryside; is a modest, young and beautiful girl who grew up in traditional style. Reyhan remains an orphan after her mother's death, and...
  • Një pjesë e imja (2014)

    Defne dhe Karaman Jorukan janë të pasur por nuk kanë fëmijë. Familjarët e detyrojnë Defnen të kërkojë një alternativë tjetër për t'a bërë të shoqin me një fëmijë....
  • Red Roses (2006)

    Realistic presented love story surrounded by friendship, intrigue, laughter and tears, situated in the German city Lüneburg. Love stories of Petra and Nick...
  • A Place in the Sun (1996)

    The daily events of the inhabitants of the "Palladini Palace" are intertwined with each other between love stories and deceptions, and the splendid Gulf of Naples...

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