
A Spy Among Friends

A Spy Among Friends (2022)

Dramë, Thriller, Luftë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Nick Murphy

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London, 1963. Nicholas Elliott (Damian Lewis), a top agent of the British intelligence service, is given the delicate mission of keeping a close eye on his friend and colleague Kim Philby ( Guy Pearce) , after it comes to light that he has been working for the KGB for more than 20 years. Elliott must travel to Beirut to bring him back and extract a confession. But shortly after their meeting, Philby defects to the Soviet Union without a trace, and Elliott must return to London with his loyalty under suspicion. As he tries to come to terms with his friend's personal betrayal, Elliott finds himself in the midst of a thorough interrogation to determine if he helped Philby's escape or if he was just another victim of his double life.


A Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among FriendsA Spy Among Friends


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