
E.R.: Photographs and Memories

ER (2007)

Dramë, Dokumentar, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 18 - Photographs and Memories


It's Sam's birthday, but she finds it hard to be away from her son Alex. Meanwhile, Sam meets a photographer taking pictures of a terminal patient and she gives Sam a new perspective on life. Dubenko's new surgical intern unsettles Neela during a trauma; Gates is shadowed by a new and nerdy intern and later must tell Sarah the truth that he may be her biological father. Also, Morris and Hope annoy Kovac and Abby when they try to help with their wedding preparations.


E.R.E.R.Hitna služba 01Hitna služba 02Hitna služba 04Hitna služba 05Hitna služba 06Hitna služba 07Hitna služba 08Hitna služba 09Hitna služba 10Hitna služba 11Hitna služba 12


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