
Spider-Man: The Sins of the Fathers: The Ultimate Slayer

Spider-Man (1996)

Animacion, Aksion, Familjar, Fantashkencë, Dramë, Thriller, Romancë, Fantazi, Krim, Aventurë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 8 - The Sins of the Fathers: The Ultimate Slayer


Worried that Kingpin is going to eliminate him after the botched framing of Peter Parker, Alistair Smythe arranges a meeting with Spider-Man to give him information about Kingpin. However, when Spidey arrives, he discovers Smythe has been turned into a cyborg. Part man, part machine, he is now the ultimate spider-slayer! However, when his programming malfunctions, he goes after the man he feels responsible for his father's death...Norman Osborn! Peter must fight a crazed Smythe, as well as his feelings when he discovers Mary Jane, the woman he loves, and Harry, his best friend, are engaged!


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