
The Baby Club: Plastic Tub

The Baby Club (2019)

Режисер: Jason Garbett

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сезона: 2

епизода: 7 - Plastic Tub


Nigel and Baby Bear welcome babies Elias, Eliza, Billie, Enya, Isobel, Teddy and their grown-ups to The Baby Club. Parents, carers and their babies at home are invited to join in with all the fun activities too! Inside everyone's bags are plastic tubs which are explored through discovery, play, song and story. Grown-ups at home are encouraged to take part by hiding baby appropriate plastic tub inside a fabric bag or pillowcase for them to reveal and explore with their baby!


The Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby ClubThe Baby Club


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