
Border Patrol

Border Patrol (2004)

Ријалити шоу | нов Зеланд
Режисер: Mal Williams, Peter Bell

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 8

епизода: 4


We follow dedicated border staff working on the frontlines of Border Security around the clock, checking for drugs and illegal goods, and intercepting packages carrying potentially harmful pests and diseases, that if introduced into New Zealand could cripple our economy overnight. We are with officers as they constantly monitor, identify and screen incoming passengers who may be undesirable arrivals into our country.


Border PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder PatrolBorder Patrol


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