
Police Interceptors: Deadly Pursuits

Police Interceptors (2008)

Ријалити шоу | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Bob Gowing

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сезона: 10

епизода: 4 - Deadly Pursuits


Rick Edwards presents a collection of the most extreme chases the interceptors have been involved in, with incidents include Neil and Stokes in hot pursuit through a residential estate over the Christmas holidays, officers in Norfolk fearing for their lives as a 20-ton farm truck is driven straight at them, and Sgt Kev Salter facing some armed robbers.


Police InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice Interceptors


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