
The Doris Day Show | | Lost and Found

The Doris Day Show (2023)

Режисер: William Wiard, Bruce Bilson

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сезона: 3

епизода: 8


The Doris Day Show | S03 E08 | Lost and Found

Ron has his first lead article for the magazine, despite the on-the-surface dry nature of the topic: how international trade affects the average person. Things are down to the wire in getting it to press on Monday as Myrna still needs to type it and Nicholson needs to read it. Despite the tight time-line, Myrna just isn't in the mood to type it. Not typed correctly by the end of the day Friday, Myrna and Doris convince Ron to let Myrna complete it at home over the weekend, and Doris will personally proof-read the typed copy before getting it to him to give to Nick on Monday morning. By the time Doris arrives at Myrna's on Sunday afternoon, Myrna can't find where she left her completed typed copy or even the handwritten copy.


The Doris Day Show | | Lost and FoundThe Doris Day Show | | Lost and Found


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