

Feuten (2010)

Режисер: Lourens Blok, Anne de Clercq

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сезона: 3

епизода: 4


Butcher Wagtmans's son Bram joins prestigious Dutch frat Mercurius and becomes best mates with slick silver-spoon womanizing senior Olivier de Ruyter, who helps him survive the hazing and introduces him to join his frat house--the most-esteemed. Bram's arrogant fellow/rival Hendrik Bolhuis and his sickly kid brother, Bram's pledge-classmate Freek, try their best to keep out commoner Bram. After Freek's nightly death during hell-night, Bram, who becomes Olivier's doting sister's lover, and Bram's buddy Joep start finding out the truth is darker and more complex, with matching price-tags.


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