
Remember When: Expiration date and We will always have Gyzi

Ta kalytera mas hronia (2020)

Режисер: Spyros Rasidakis, Olga Malea

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сезона: 1

епизода: 42 - Expiration date and We will always have Gyzi


"Remember When", our favorite family fiction series, takes us back to the 80s!With lots of surprises, antics and shocking revelations, the beloved neighborhood of Gkyzi is not just moving... it's speeding full throttle, leading our protagonists into a new decade!New friends show up from afar - not always a good thing -, old acquaintances return with a new dynamic, love affairs with an expiration date make their reappearance, while new objects of desire knock on the door and capture the hearts of our protagonists!


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