

Inui (2016)

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сезона: 2

епизода: 6


Inui is a series about playing in the snow with your friends. Inui, a little Inuit girl, loves the snow. She grew up in the Arctic Circle and knows how to keep warm and have fun in the coldest temperatures. Her friends Crackpot the Caribou, Grouchy the Polar Bear and Lady Penguin are as at home as she is in the snowy wastes of the far North. Lady Penguin, of course, is not a native but has travelled from the other side of the globe. Everyday they set out to play the sort of games you could only play in the snow and ice. This is a series about a child's imagining of the polar regions and the sort of fun you might have there. This is not a world of permanent darkness and frostbite but somewhere where you can slide, play snowballs, build snowmen and gaze in awe at the Northern Lights. Inui is an entertainment for young children not a documentary.




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