RWBY: Ice Queendom: Ice Queendom

RWBY 氷雪帝国 (2022)

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сезона: 1

епизода: 4 - Ice Queendom


On her snowboard, Ruby slides down the snowy field. Weiss, possessed by the Grimm “Nightmare”, created a world in her dreams, which is a reflection of her mind. With the help of Shion, a Huntsman specializing in the Grimm “Nightmare”, Ruby sneaks into Weiss’ dream and heads toward the place where the “Nightmare” had taken root. Those possessed by the “Nightmare” will be entrapped in a nightmare where Aura and life will be deprived. Weiss was already in a dangerous condition. Ruby was so eager to quickly free Weiss from the “Nightmare” but the world reflecting Weiss’ mind, block’s Ruby’s way.


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