Four in a Bed: Bryn Woodlands House, Colwyn Bay

Four in a Bed (2012)

Ријалити шоу | Обединетото Кралство

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сезона: 3

епизода: 53 - Bryn Woodlands House, Colwyn Bay


Third hosts are self-confessed odd couple Gordon and Sandra McCallum, owners of Bryn Woodlands House in Colwyn Bay. Their new best mates Ed and Rachel are impressed with their digs, but mother and daughter Margaret and Ruth Dugdall find the decor leaves something to be desired. Gordon takes the group harness racing, and horse-fearing Ed worries about getting poo on his face, and then later discovers a snake in his bed. At breakfast, the guests overhear a stressed Gordon and Sandy getting heated in the kitchen, but it's Giles' problem with a bottle of ketchup that makes Gordon see red at feedback, declaring, 'where do these lads comes from?'.

времетраење: 30 мин


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