
Robo-Kickboxer - Power of Justice

Robo-Kickboxer - Power of Justice (1992)

Aksion, Fantashkencë | Malajzi, Filipine, RVAK i Hong Kongut, Kanada, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Vlerësimi: 5.1/10


When a power enhancing drug has hallucinogenic side effects on kickboxer, Jack, he refuses to take it, and is then dropped by his manager. Desperate for money, he takes his teammate Kevin’s offer to deliver some cocaine. It is a set-up to take the business away from drug lord, Henry. Jack ends up in prison with Axel who was caught in the same deal. Corrupt fight promoter, Parker, agrees to set up a fight between now blood rivals Kevin and Jack, and bets heavily on Jack. In order to ensure his success, he pumps Jack full of the experimental drug which brings out Jack’s ultimate fighting power while making Kevin appear as a fearsome robot to Jack. Crazed by the drug, Jack does win the fight, and is finally able to give up the ring and seek a peaceful life.


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