
Predsjednički krojač - Od Auschwitza do Bijele kuće

Mr. Greenfield - The Presidents' Tailor (2023)

Dokumentar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Gjermani
Regjia: Rick Minnich

Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 8/10


Maximilian Grünfeld spoke Yiddish, lived in Czechoslovakia, lost his family to Nazi concentration camps, and had no business experience. Martin Greenfield lives in Brooklyn, speaks English, hand-tailors suits for U.S. presidents, and runs a bespoke clothing empire with high society clients and friends. This is one and the same man, who is now a 91-year-old fashion legend, tailor to U.S. presidents and stars, and bon vivant about town. Mr. Greenfield is a feature documentary telling the story of how one man became the other, against all odds, and how he now grapples with his own legacy.



Predsjednički krojač - Od Auschwitza do Bijele kućePredsjednički krojač - Od Auschwitza do Bijele kućePredsjednički krojač - Od Auschwitza do Bijele kućePredsjednički krojač - Od Auschwitza do Bijele kuće


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