
Himalaya with Michael Palin: North by Northwest

Himalaya with Michael Palin (2004)

Udhëtim, Aksion | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Roger Mills

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EPISODI: 1 - North by Northwest


The intrepid traveller embarks on a trip from the Khyber Pass to the Bay of Bengal, an arduous journey through Pakistan's mountains, India, Nepal, China and finally Bangladesh. The adventure begins on the Khyber steam railway, taking in Darra, where he browses for a unique firearm. He then heads toward Chitral to watch a freestyle polo grudge-match take place on the highest polo field in the world.


Himalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael PalinHimalaya with Michael Palin


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