
Queen: Days of Our Lives

Queen: Days of Our Lives (2011)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Matt O'Casey

Vlerësimi: 8.5/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 9.3/10
(4 Voto)



The second part of the documentary focuses on the peak of the rock outfit's fortunes, as they broke attendance records at stadium shows across South America. However, the band suffered a blip as internal tensions increased - until their performance at Live Aid and the 1986 Magic tour returned them to world attention, before frontman Freddie Mercury received devastating news.


Queen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our LivesQueen: Days of Our Lives


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