
Lost Gate

Ztracená brána (2012)

Mister | Çeki
Regjia: Jiří Strach

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An exciting story line is connected with the existence of a unique medieval work: Voynich's Manuscript. Investigators are trying to track down the murderer and put a stop to the evil but, at the same time, are themselves threatened. In a dramatic duel with an unknown killer the shocking connection is revealed. Where does the strange plant come from? Why will someone kill repeatedly for a single leaf of this unknown plant? The story takes place in the old part of Prague. We enter its intricate network of ancient underground tunnels - where something inexplicable happens. Disturbing traces at crime scenes take our religious scholar not only to a Masonic lodge, but also to a strange place where he meets a mysterious creature. His investigations, full of twists and unexpected complications, lead to a surprising outcome.


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