
Europa Nga Lart

Switzerland From Above (2021)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Europe from Above takes to the air over Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK to showcase Europe's finest cultural and geographical landmarks as you've never seen them before. Stunning aerial hyper-lapse photography allows us to visualise the changes of a season in seconds, as tulip fields in the Netherlands magically burst into colour and waterfalls in the Dolomites turn to ice. We reveal how tradition, engineering and natural wonders have shaped this epic continent - a vibrant portrait of these regions and the people who keep their traditions alive.


Europa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga LartEuropa Nga Lart


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